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If you want to become a happier and more joyful person this year, start doing these 8 things every morning


There’s a vast difference between simply existing and truly living. This difference often boils down to happiness and joy.

To merely exist is to let life pass you by, without taking the time to savor the joyous moments. But if you want to live a life filled with happiness and joy, it starts with how you begin your day.

Every morning, there’s an opportunity to set the tone for the rest of your day. And believe it or not, there are small habits you can incorporate into your morning routine that can significantly boost your happiness levels.

In this article, I’ll share 8 things you should start doing every morning if you want to become a happier and more joyful person this year.

Let’s dive in.

1) Wake up early

There’s an old saying that the early bird catches the worm. But in the context of happiness and joy, the early riser catches a head start on their day.

When you wake up early, you give yourself a precious gift: time. Time for you to indulge in self-care, time to prepare for the day ahead, and time to engage in activities that bring you joy and satisfaction.

Consider this: the happiest and most successful people often have a common habit – they wake up early. This isn’t just coincidence. It’s an intentional act to grab hold of their day before it grabs hold of them.

Waking up early allows you to set a positive tone for the day. It gives you uninterrupted moments of stillness and peace before the hustle and bustle kicks in.

But let’s be clear: waking up early doesn’t mean sacrificing your sleep. It means making a conscious decision to prioritize restful sleep and an energizing start to your day.

2) Practice gratitude

One thing I’ve found to be enormously impactful in my pursuit of happiness is practicing gratitude every morning.

Upon waking, before my feet even hit the floor, I take a moment to think about something I’m grateful for. This simple act of acknowledging the good in my life sets a positive tone for my day.

There was a time when I used to wake up and immediately let my mind wander to the stresses and worries of the day ahead. But then I read about the benefits of gratitude and decided to give it a try.

Now, instead of waking up worried, I wake up grateful. Some days it’s as simple as being thankful for a good night’s sleep, or the comforting warmth of my bed. Other times, it’s gratitude for my family, my health, or even the challenges that help me grow.

This shift in focus from what’s going wrong to what’s going right was a game changer for me. Seeing the good in my life first thing in the morning helps me carry an attitude of positivity throughout the day.

Practicing gratitude isn’t just about feeling good—it’s about intentionally recognizing and appreciating the goodness around us. And trust me, this simple practice can be a powerful way to boost your happiness each day.

3) Get moving

Physical activity is more than just a way to stay fit and healthy. It’s also a scientifically-proven mood booster. When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones. These endorphins play a crucial role in reducing stress and anxiety, promoting better sleep, and yes, enhancing our happiness.

Starting your day with some form of physical activity can be transformative. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout session at the gym—something as simple as a brisk walk around the block, a quick yoga session, or even some light stretching can do wonders.

Moving your body first thing in the morning not only wakes you up physically but also mentally. It shifts your energy, clears your mind, and prepares you for the day ahead. So lace up those sneakers, unroll that yoga mat, or simply dance around your room—whatever it takes to get your body moving and those endorphins flowing.

4) Embrace mindfulness

Mindfulness is a term we hear a lot these days, but it’s more than just a buzzword. It’s an ancient practice rooted in Buddhism that promotes being fully present and engaged in the moment.

Starting your day with mindfulness can significantly impact your happiness and joy. It allows you to appreciate the little things and reduces stress and anxiety by preventing your mind from dwelling on past regrets or future worries.

In my book, Hidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Ego, I delve into the profound teachings of Buddhism, including the practice of mindfulness. I share practical ways to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life for better mental health and overall well-being.

One great way to incorporate mindfulness into your morning is through meditation or mindful eating. Even just taking a few moments to appreciate the warmth of your morning coffee or tea can set a positive tone for the day.

It’s not about emptying your mind, but about acknowledging and accepting your thoughts without judgment. This simple practice can be a powerful tool in cultivating happiness and joy each day.

5) Write a to-do list

I’ll admit, I used to be someone who would start the day in a whirlwind of activity, rushing from one task to another without taking a moment to plan or prioritize. This often left me feeling overwhelmed and stressed, and by the end of the day, I’d find that I hadn’t accomplished half of what I’d intended.

Then I started writing a to-do list every morning.

Now, before I start my day, I sit down with my notebook and jot down the tasks I need to accomplish. This simple act of planning my day allows me to prioritize my tasks and manage my time more effectively.

But it doesn’t just help with productivity—it also fosters a sense of control and accomplishment. When I can physically cross off tasks from my list, it gives me a tangible sense of progress, which boosts my mood and motivates me to keep going.

6) Do nothing

Yes, you read that right. In our fast-paced world where productivity is glorified, the concept of doing absolutely nothing may seem counter-intuitive. But hear me out.

Taking a few minutes each morning to simply sit and do nothing can be surprisingly beneficial for your happiness and joy. This isn’t about being lazy or wasting time—it’s about giving yourself permission to just “be”.

In these quiet moments, you’re not planning, worrying, or rushing to accomplish tasks. You’re simply existing, and there’s a profound peace and contentment that comes from that.

This practice, often referred to as ‘conscious rest’, allows you to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with yourself. It’s an opportunity to listen to your own thoughts and feelings without the noise and distractions of the outside world.

7) Fuel your body right

What we eat first thing in the morning can significantly impact our mood and energy levels for the rest of the day. Starting your day with a balanced, nutritious breakfast is not just good for your physical health, but for your mental well-being too.

Foods rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats can provide sustained energy and prevent the mid-morning slump that often follows a sugary or carb-heavy breakfast. Similarly, staying hydrated is crucial. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and irritability, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water.

Consider incorporating foods known to boost mood into your morning meal. For example, foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon or flaxseeds have been found to have mood-enhancing properties.

Taking care of your physical health is a key part of promoting happiness and joy.

8) Cultivate a positive mindset

Above all, the most powerful thing you can do each morning to foster happiness and joy is to cultivate a positive mindset. This goes beyond just “thinking positive”—it’s about actively choosing to focus on the good, even when faced with challenges.

A positive mindset doesn’t mean ignoring your problems or pretending everything is perfect. It means acknowledging your difficulties, but also recognizing your ability to overcome them. It’s about celebrating your wins, no matter how small, and learning from your losses.

This mindset sets the tone for your entire day. It influences how you perceive your experiences, how you interact with others, and ultimately, how you feel about yourself.

Cultivating a positive mindset takes practice, but it’s an investment worth making. Because at the end of the day, your happiness and joy come from within you—and that’s something you have control over every single morning.

In the end, it’s all about intention

Our pursuit of happiness and joy is invariably interwoven with our daily choices. Every morning presents a fresh opportunity to align our actions with our intent to live a happier, more joyful life.

These eight practices are more than just a morning checklist. They are conscious decisions that set the tone for your entire day. They are affirmations of your commitment to cherish and nurture the joy within you.

One key element in this journey, as I explore in my book Hidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Ego, is mindfulness. By fostering mindfulness, we move from merely existing to truly living — savoring every moment with heightened awareness and appreciation.

So whether it’s waking up early, practicing gratitude, or simply doing nothing for a few minutes, it’s the intention behind these actions that fuels their transformative power.

Remember, your journey towards happiness and joy is uniquely yours. It’s not about perfection but progression. So start small, be consistent, and watch how these simple morning habits can cultivate a profound sense of happiness and joy in your life.

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